Our business areasSETILGEST- Serviços Técnicos de Gestão e Engenharia, S.A.
SETILGEST, S.A was founded in 1988 and its headquarters are located in Lisbon, Portugal. Furthermore, we provide management and engineering services across various regions of the world for ovens, blast furnaces, ducts, piping systems and preheaters. We also provide constructions for the petroleum and petrochemical industry as well as for the related industries. SETILGEST BROCHURE - ARABSETILGEST BROCHURE - ENGLISHSETILGEST BROCHURE - FRENCHSETILGEST BROCHURE - PORTUGUESESETILGEST_9001 UKAS_PT002898-2 Setilgest Serviços Técnicos de Gestão e Engenharia, S.A.Rua D. Luís de Noronha, n.º 4 - 5º Andar1050-072 Lisboa Portugal test |