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A Data protection information for the use of this website

1 Preamble, summary

You can visit our website anonymously at any time. We respect your freedom to decide for yourself what information you wish to provide. We do not use cookies or tracking tools and do not store data.

Please also note our applicable general data protection information and the definitions/provisions.

2 Data storage in server log files

The provider* of the pages also processes information that your browser may transmit to us in so-called server log files. These are essentially
•    Browser type and browser version
•    Operating system used
•    Referrer URL (origin of the enquiry)
•    Host name of the accessing computer
•    Time of the server request

*) The service provider who provides us with the technology to operate this website.

This data is not merged with data from other sources.

IP addresses (Internet Protocol addresses) or other personal data are not stored or are only stored in anonymised form (e.g. deletion of the last two octets for an IPv4), unless the server systems detect incorrect processing or a (hacker) attack. In this case, the IP address in question is stored in full and only anonymised automatically after seven days, unless the further processing of individual IP addresses is necessary for a defence against illegal use of our website. This data will also be deleted once the relevant proceedings have been concluded.

This processing is carried out on the basis of Article 6  (1) f) GDPR in order to ensure the security of our systems and to prevent or take action against their misuse.

The log data is processed separately from other data in terms of content and organisation and does not contain any elements with a direct or indirect personal reference, with the exception of the full IP address, which is only stored temporarily in specific cases of suspicion.

3 Data transfer to a third country

We do not intend to transfer personal data to a third country or an international organisation. However, please note that our website is publicly accessible and we do not block access to the website from third countries. In addition, when communicating/data transfer via/in the Internet, it may be technically possible for a message travelling from us to you or vice versa to be routed via a server in an (insecure) third country, especially if you are visiting our website from a third country. As far as possible, we have therefore taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of processing.

4 Data security

Our website is located on servers in Germany. Personal data is always transmitted in encrypted form. To protect the security of your data during transmission, we use state-of-the-art encryption methods (e.g. TLS) via HTTPS.

However, it must be borne in mind that data transmission via the Internet is not absolutely secure and that it cannot be ruled out that, for example, third parties may gain unauthorised access to the data transmitted via the Internet.

5 Use of script and font libraries

We use script and font libraries on this website to display our content correctly and graphically appealing across all browsers.

Such libraries are called up from our own server so that no data is transferred to third parties.

6 Cookies

We do not use so-called "cookies" or comparable technologies.

7 Contacting us, contact form

Please note our data protection information for communication.

8 applications

Please note our data protection information for employees and the application procedure.

9 References to external offers

We may refer to external offers via links. We are not responsible for these websites. Please note that the offers to which we link can change at any time without our intervention or knowledge.

When the link is first created, the linked page is carefully checked for legal violations. At a later point in time, however, a different result may be applicable. Should you become aware of any (subsequent) legal infringements, please inform us (e.g. by e-mail to: We will check this immediately and either remove the offending reference or, if we consider the reference necessary, point out the risk separately.

Status of the data protection information: October 2023